Frequently Asked Questions

When do I get paid ?
Payments are calculated the 1st of every month. They are processed by the 10th of every month for anyone that has earning of $25.00 or more. No payments are sent until the minimum of $25.00 is reached.
What commissions do I qualify for as an Affiliate ?
(a) An Affiliate earns 10% commission for any purchase (Excluding shipping, taxes and discounts) made on the website when the customer makes the purchase from the Affiliate's link. The current cookie allows the affiliate to earn a commission for purchases within 90 days of clicking on the link to go to the site. (Tier 1) (b) The affiliate also has a separate link code available that can be used by someone to become an Affiliate. This new affiliate will earn 10% commission for any purchase (Excluding shipping, taxes and discounts) made on the website when the customer makes a new purchase from the Affiliate's link (This would be Tier 2). The affiliate from Tier 1 will also get a commission equal to 75% of Tier 2's commission. (c) The Tier 2 affiliate in this scenario will also have a separate link code available that can be used by someone to become an Affiliate. This new affiliate will earn 10% commission for any purchase (Excluding shipping, taxes and discounts) made on the website when the customer makes a new purchase from the Affiliate's link (This would be Tier 3). The affiliate from Tier 2 will also get a commission equal to 75% of Tier 3's commission and the affiliate from Tier 1 will get a commission equal to 25% of Tier 2's commission. All Tier levels have the ability to have 2 Tiers levels below them earning commissions for them. Only orders that have been fully processed (dispatched) will be listed as Sales in your Affiliate history. In case of fraudulent transactions (for example credit card chargebacks) or customer refunds, we reserve the right to reverse already credited Affiliate commissions. Example: In this example, An affiliate (Tier 1) has an affiliate that joined through their Tier 1 link, this affiliate would be Tier 2, and The Tier 2 affiliate has an affiliate that joined through their Tier 2 link, this new affiliate would be Tier 3. Tier 3 affiliate makes a sale where the total purchase is $100.00 (Excluding shipping, taxes and discounts), Tier 3 affiliate earns $10.00. Tier 2 affiliate earns $7.50 and Tier 1 affiliate earns $1.87.